I am a performer of Spirituality in Action
As a Course Facilitator, Public Speaker, and Author with a special interest in Organizational Behavior, I apply my mission of motivation in every area I get involved in.
Acceptance, understanding, and consequently: growth, opportunity, distinction, honesty, mutual respect, and progress through mutual motivation, are my drivers.
My work and insights matter in Educational as well as in Corporate settings, because we are all spiritual beings with a human experience.
The difference I make is valuable, because there are still too few organizations that understand the need for people to feel "at home" while "at work".
The reason I stand out is because of my broader perspective, gained through years of successfully living and working in two completely different environments (USA / Suriname). I understand difference. Difference is useful, only if we realize its value for one another.
My teachings in Business Leadership are enriched by my cultural history and my ability to function well in democratic, as well as non-democratic environments. I value freedom because I have dealt with obtruded boundaries.
Being the Master of my own Universe, I prevent myself from becoming obsolete by keeping my eyes open, and listening to others.
As CEO of my life, and manager of my spirituality, I carry the trademark of serenity, combined with a well-balanced approach, capability to understand other's points of view, and an empathetic ear.
The power of "positivity" is my most important work-tool.
I am a Free Agent, attracting the right clients (those who also want to start thinking "free") toward my business. My clients are individuals and organizations with a need to increase work-satisfaction.
My conviction is, that work should be fun, not just a job. ("If you're not having fun, you're not doing the right thing" - Tom Peters. "If you do what you enjoy, you never work" - Lao Tzu")
I am the Company; my employers are my Clients. My Clients may count on service and dedication to my best capabilities.
Enhancing the quality of my life along with the lives of others is my biggest project. What's yours?
Declaration of Independence