Management, Spirituality and Religion (AOM Interest Group)
MSR explores how spirituality and religion can influence organizational dynamics and affect management outcomes. In that regard, MSR is devoted to defining the relevance and impact of spirituality and religion in management, organizations and society. Major areas of study include theory building and empirical research around the issues of faith, spirituality and religion as they influence principles and practices in management. Important contributions have been made in MSR research to better understand the meaning of work, the impact of spirituality and spiritual leadership in the workplace, the purpose of business, the affects of religious pluralism in the workplace, and the distinctive elements of individual religious and spiritual beliefs that cultivate inner awareness and promote wisdom for the common good.
The Academy of Spirituality and Professional Excellence
Co-planning and co-executing Quality-of-Life enhancing workshops in the LA-area
Coordinating, Reviewing, and Editing the Business Renaissance Quarterly, a publication of the Business Renaissance Institute, to which I served as a co-founder and Member of the Board of Directors (2006 - 2016)
Coordinating, Reviewing, and Editing Interbeing, a journal about personal and professional excellence.
Coordinating, Reviewing, and Editing the Journal of Global Business Issues, JGBI of which I am a co-founder, and Member of the Board of Directors.
Facilitating Business and Management related courses at Woodbury University.
Authoring and co-authoring books (see page on Publications for more info).
Presenting a Weekly Radio Talk show through MART radio in The Netherlands, live from Burbank, CA. (2002 - 2016)
Writing a weekly newspaper column for De Ware Tijd (The True Times), one of Suriname's largest newspapers (2002 - 2016)